
jk-ware Multimedia-Projectworkspace 6.0


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With the Multimedia-Projectworkspace, jk-ware provides its extended .Net project-base for Visual Studio.

The Multimedia-Projektworkspace consist of a

  • basis-program produced from a basis-project

  • application-project, derived from the basis-project, with an example-program

  • multimedia Theater-project to the administration of the started programs

  • project to the preparation of a cryptographic activation-key


The example program

  • draws geometric figures in a space size that is independent of the form

  • realizes 3D sound output with SharpDX.XAudio2

  • the call frequency can be influenced via a spin button on the program dialog page


The test-package contains the test manual, a project-overview in the PowerPoint-format and the from the projects produced applications.


Notice, that all the documents of the Multimedia-Projekworkspace are in German language! 


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